2 X 1 metre ebatlarında tek bir modül üzerinde oluÅŸturulan kompakt yapısı ile oldukça düÅŸük bir alanı kaplamaktadır. Dijital baskı makinelerine entegre olarak çalışabildiÄŸi gibi harici olarak ta yüksek performans sergilemektedir.
Çözücü, web guide, UV/IR kurutmalı flekso vernik, laminasyon(opsiyonel), yarı rotasyon kesim ünitesi, dilimleme ve çift sarıcı özellikleri bulunmaktadır. Servo motorları ile etkin web tansiyon kontrolü saÄŸlar.
Teknik Bilgi:
Web geniÅŸliÄŸi: 330 mm
Hız: 45 mt/dak. (yarı rotasyon) – 72 mt/dak. (tam rotasyon)
Çözücü çapı: 700 mm
Sarıcı Çapı: 500 mm




The most thorough method for cleaning anilox cells
Ultrasonic technology has been developed to be an extremely adaptable process with a wide range of applications from ante-natal baby scans through to micro
inspection of mechanical and electrical systems, By using the most up to date technology available we are able to offer our ultrasonic anilox cleaning
systems that are designed and built to be robust enough to cope with print production environments whilst delivering the most gentle and effective cleaning
action possible, producing consistent and even cleaning of your anilox rollers in superfast time.
Ultrasonic cleaning action occurs through ‘transducers’ mounted beneath the cleaning bath. These transducers cause the molecular structure of the water
within the bath to be compressed (compression) and pulled apart to form a vacuum(rarefaction). This microscopic action works in conjunction with our
cleaning products to break down ink deposits and release them from the engraved cells.
durable stainless steel construction
50KHz and 100KHz technology
frequency sweep
SureDrive™ roller rotation system
simple and easy to use
12 months warranty
Available options
Single or dual frequency
De-gassing function
Multi-roller formats
Filtration system
Rinse tanks